Sunday, October 9, 2011

Finding the answers I knew all along.

Well I hadn't done a post in a while. To be honest I gave up, started again, gave up, and started again, and so on. At the time I began this diet I was following the regiment of calorie deficit. Well of course, like many times before, the results were disappointing to say the least. I wasn't ready to give up. I knew that since I have been struggling so long I had to find out why...

Throughout my dieting journeys I have been a relentless researcher. I always have had a love for research, and I wanted to know what I needed to do to get things going. I decided to look up how the body digests on YouTube (yes I know I'm weird)..On the side there was a video called "Why you get fat".The video was really interesting. As it turns out it was a clip from a low budget movie called "Fathead". Luckily for me it was on Netflix, so that very night I got to watch it.

This video has since changed my entire view.

There were doctors, scientist, etc in this movie, who basically told me what I really should have known all along. That the diet industry is misleading, and there is so much more to weight loss then we see. We are not as simple as "Calories in Calories out".

After watching this video I became hooked on finding more. Its amazing, truly, how much I have discovered. I made the transition from listening to popular voices like Jillian Michaels, who was basically telling me that I'm only not losing weight because I'm a pathetic excuse doctors, and nutritionists, and scientists who were telling the absolute truth, who made 1000 times more sense than any of these skinny fitness trainers trying to lecture me.

The most important person I discovered was Zoe Harcombe. This woman deserves the Nobel Peace Prize! She has devoted her life to finding the truth in the obesity epidemic. She created The Harcombe Diet, which has sense been the foundation of my weight loss.

Other people I have read about include:
Mary Enig phD
Gary Taub phD
Barry Groves phD
Dr. Josh Axe MD
David Wolfe

These people are wonderful, and because of them I finally feel like I have the answers I have been questioning for SO MANY YEARS!

So slowly but surely I am losing weight. It is pricey, it is tough, it is tedious, but it is the best thing I have done for my body!

I have also watched wonderful documentaries including

Food Matters
Food Inc
Fat, sick, Nearly Dead (not a great one)

So if I can tell anyone who is struggling, id say do your research! If someone is saying stuff to you that just don't seem right, then maybe its not!

Quit blaming yourself for being fat and feeling guilty. Its not always our fault, and we don't deserve the ridicule given so many times.

Also some people are not looking out for your best interest, so be skeptical when looking for the right diet.

One day I will achieve my weight loss I have always wanted, and I know that I damn sure earned it!!!

Friday, May 13, 2011

So good!

Well so it has been almost a week, and so far it seems to be going well. I feel as if I havent had as much tension or desire when it comes to splurging and I think I know why...

One thing that I am discovering as I go through this process is that, in order for a diet to work, you really have to focus. I think about this diet often, and with greater determination than previous diets. A lot of that has to do with not having my mind consumed by school. But every moment and every amount of food I am consuming I think about before I eat it.

Today I was watching Oprah and there were some Cheeze-Its just sitting beside me that my dad left out. Not even thinking I just grabbed them and started eating them. It occured to me that there was no good reason for me to even be eating them, I was just eating them because they were there! So I spit those that were in my mouth in the trash, and put the box away. Thats the thing about being a chub, you get so used to just eating that its second nature.

But I am learning, and that was a huge step for me.

So as far as my diet lately, I would give my eating an A, but my exercising....ehhmm not so much. I have worked out a few instances, and I do work at my job pretty much full time, so I am active. It is however not nearly enough and I am making more excuses not to work out than I should.

So I have decided to make a new step in my diet...

Starting sunday (Week 2, Day 1) I am going to make a valient effort to have some sort of a workout everyday. Options can include...

Walking a mile
Working out at Curves (Which I have a membership to)
Swimming (my pool will be open :D)
Working out at the REC
Working out on the Wii
Doing a workout video

And probably more! So really there are so many options, but I have not done a good job in taking advantage of them.

Granted some days I work doubles, so I cant ALWAYS do it, but I will damn sure try!

Monday, May 9, 2011

And so it begins!

Well, the beginning was in fact yesterday...but its the first  BLOG!

Its been a while since I have written a blog, the transition from myspace to facebook kinda killed that for most people...

This is no ordinary blog though, this is the blog I will be using as I go through what hopefully will be one of the the most important missions of my young adult life. That is, my weight loss journey.

So to tell a little bit about myself. My name is Sara, I am a 20 year old college student and for the majority of my life I have been overweight. From the time I was even a little girl I remeber not being able to fit into dress up clothes, and I wore juniors by the time I was nine.

Nowadays I am constantly shifting on and off of diets, most of them failing after the 10th pound lost...

But no more!

This time I am commiting, 100%! I am dedicating my 4 month long summer break to this diet, and if I can't do it this time, then there is no hope for me. But I know I can do it! I have faith!

So I am watching my calories, taking my vitamins, eating non processed natural foods, and working out!

While doing so I will be tracking myself via this blog, and sharing my jouney with the online world,

Im putting my heart on my sleve!